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Interview with Molly Rose Butt

June 2019


1. How strong is the influence of your latest work on your new work? 


My work seems to flow from piece to piece, in the sense that ideas or themes or motifs are carried forward into the new work if there is something about it that I want to continue manipulating. But each new piece brings uncertainties and unexpected outcomes so the work is constantly developing and shifting.

2. What are you currently working on?


I'm currently planning my next large scale landscape painting, working on pastel, pencil and charcoal drawings to plot compositions and colour palettes. I'm thinking a lot about the paintings I've made in the last 9 months and what I've learnt from them, and what I want to take forward into my next paintings. The drawings are sort of like a process of collage, bringing different elements of past pieces together to loosely create a new blueprint.

3. Do you listen to music while working? 


I do. I find it helps me get focused on the painting as my mind moves more freely, and I listen to different genres depending on my mood. Sometimes I do need silence, when I need to really concentrate on how to resolve something, but when I know where the work is going music helps me stay in that groove. I would say that music is crucial to the work as it triggers emotional responses within me that become woven into the work. I want to trigger a response in those who view my work and I have to figure out what should be put into the work for it to be effective. Music reminds me what is there and makes me feel empowered.

4. Which artists (or other people) are you inspired by? 


Currently I'm really inspired by some of the artists that I've encountered at Turps- so much knowledge about painting techniques and the history of painting as well as them carving out a career that balances art education with their own artistic practice. That's what I'm striving for; I want to continue learning and developing my visual language so that I can communicate with others effectively whilst making the work that I wish to make. 

5. What is your favourite place to see art?

I would say that I don't have a favourite place as I love visiting new places and seeing what art is available to view whilst there, and I enjoy going to small galleries as much as big museums so it really depends on what exhibition is currently on. I love going to Soho and seeing whats on around that area of London, or Peckham too- I like the galleries there a lot.

6. What is the best part of being an artist?


I love the freedom and the variety. My weeks are always different and I love nothing more than being completely in the zone whilst painting or feeling the inspiration from an encounter with a piece of work that really impacts upon you. Meeting other artists is great too, especially at Turps ( the painting programme I am currently on) where everyone is really engaged with painting and it's really inspiring being around other painters and getting to see how their work develops and having a peer group to discuss all things with.

7. Are there any ongoing projects or upcoming exhibitions where we can see your work? 


I have some paintings on show in the atrium at The Zetter Hotel in London, 86-88 Clerkenwell Road, until July 13th. Also it is open studios on Eel Pie Island where I live the weekends of 22nd-23rd and 29th-30th of June so I'm currently getting set up for that. There will also be a group exhibition at The Art Academy Newington Gallery, 17th- 23rd September, which is being organised by some of the Turps Studio Painting Programme artists and all info will be available on my website

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